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    Vojske EU i NATO


    Posts : 529
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    Vojske EU i NATO Empty Vojske EU i NATO

    Postaj by Admin sub tra 16, 2016 3:09 pm

    Poljaci kupuju ... i kupuju, nabavljaju i opremaju se ...

    Poljska kupuje rak samohodne minobacace RAK 120 mm

    Minobacacka vatra moze pokriti raspon od 500 m do 8000 m, ili 15.000 metara s posebnim minobacačkim streljivom. Vozlilo ce imati smjestaj za 46 komada streljiva - 20 komada streljiva smjesteno je u automatskom magazin i 26 komada streljiva pohranjeno u drugom dijelu vozila.

    Rak je opremljen modernim balističkim računalom, ima inercijski navigacijski sustav Tallinn 5000, digitalni radio, sustav za upravljanje vatre s mogućnošću da predstavljaju taktičke situacije na digitalnoj karti i mogućnost automatskog interakcije s vanjskim sustavima, zapovijedanje i kontrolu vatre.

    Poljska je u međuvremenu planira koristiti minobacače Rak, nedavno djelimicno modificirane stare sovjetske streljiva kalibra 120 mm. Prema pisanju lista Defence.24 poljska industrija nudi i modernije minobacacko streljivo, uključujući i laserski navođeno streljivo za uništenje neprijateljskih oklopnih vozila.

    Također se predviđa kupnja (ali odvojena od ovoga programa) vozila AMZ Kutno-Zubr 4x4 sa kontrolom vatre, vozila za prevoz streljivo, radionicka vozola i vozila podpore.

    AWR izviđacka vozila (inace rade ih rade ih dva do četiri po poduzeća) AMZ Kutno-Zubr 4x4 ističe u radarima za praćenje i promatranje (dan / noć / toplinske vida) smestenih na nagibnim jarbolima. U svakoj postrojbi ce se također naći tri do četiri vozila opskrbe AWA (kamion Jelcz 8x8), jedna radionica AWRU (Jelcz 6x6) i jedna za podršku vozilo (Jelcz 6x6).

    Vojske EU i NATO Houfnice_rak_120mm

    Poljska ce vojska nabavkom navedenog minobacačkog naoružanja ovim znatno je ojačati svoju vatrenu moc. U narednim tjednima, poljski Ministarstvo obrane potvrđuje potpisivanje kupnju 64 modernih samohodnih minobacača Rak (M120K) i 32 komandne vozila AWD - i na šasiji s kotačima oklopnog Rosomak.

    Dodajmo da je češka vojska prvotno planirao kupiti i samohodne mortova na šasiji Pandur vozila na kotačima. Međutim, nakon što je smanjenje broja kupljenih vozila Pandur samohodnih minobacača, projekt je odgođen. Prema konceptu izgradnje Vojsku Republike Češke u 2025 se očekuje da će kupiti moderne samohodne mortova u godini 2025th

    Posts : 158
    Join date : 04.03.2016
    Age : 52
    Location : Zagreb

    Vojske EU i NATO Empty Re: Vojske EU i NATO

    Postaj by Roman_Stefic uto svi 17, 2016 6:35 pm

    Poboljšana V-22 Osprey za specijalne operacije

    Sjedište Air Force Special Operations AFSOC (Air Force Special Operations Command) planira značajno proširiti mogućnosti flote convertiplanes CV-22B Osprey. AFSOC predviđa uvođenje novih radara i oružja.
    Instalaciju oružja na svojim MV-22B Osprey također pripremaju i američki marinci. Marine Corps trenutno djeluje sa 204 convertiplanes MV-22B i planira dokupiti još 126 strojeva.

    Glavni zadatak MV-22B je prijevoz i podrška vojnika sa slijetanje brodove na obalu i/ili dublje u unutrasnjost.

    Vojske EU i NATO Namorni_mv-22_osprey_2016

    Vojske EU i NATO V-22_rakety_2

    Američko ratno zrakoplovstvo je dobila 42 convertiplanes CV-22B Osprey od 51 naručena.

    Posts : 529
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    Age : 44
    Location : Zagreb

    Vojske EU i NATO Empty Re: Vojske EU i NATO

    Postaj by Admin čet lip 16, 2016 12:52 am

    Nema dvojbi tko je ključni strateški saveznik današnje Hrvatske

    Sva sila političkih analitičara kojima Hrvatska vrvi i obiluje, što režimskih, što neovisnih, nije u stanju domaću političku zbilju promatrati geopolitički, odnosno izvan okvira hrvatskih granica, što je suludo, jer, ako je politika koju su krojile svjetske sile prije stotinu godina bila relevantne za Hrvatsku, kako ne će biti relevantna u ovo doba “globalnog sela”.

    Kad mediji izvjeste o posjeti stranog dužnosnika Hrvatskoj, domaći (sveznajući) živalj na to samo odmahuje rukom kao na nešto puko proceduralno ili formalno, a u biti se baš iz toga dade iščitati budućnost. Nitko se, primjerice, ne sjeća da je prošle 2015. godine u kratkom razdoblju, Beograd posjetio ruski ministar vanjskih poslova Lavrov, Bugarsku je posjetio John Kerry, a Sarajevo turski predsjednik Erdogan. To je pozicioniranje stranih sila na području koje neupućeni nazivaju “Balkan”; to je stvaranje interesnih zona i poruka drugoj strani. Nedavno je i šef CIA-e posjetio Sarajevo iz čega se dade zaključiti da je teroristička prijetnja na “ovim područjima” itekako prisutna i ozbiljna.

    Rusija je stvorila izvrsne veze sa Slovencima, a sa Srbima su tradicionalni saveznici. Dok smo za vrijeme Tuđmanove ere bili čvrsto uz SAD i oni uz nas, Račan, Mesić, Josipović, Kosor i Milanović su nas od naših saveznika udaljili. Hrvati zaboravljaju da je SAD su bili čvrsti saveznik Hrvatske od potpisivanja programa s tvrtkom MPRI, u Bljesku i Oluji, u zaustavljanju rata u BiH, u mirnoj reintegraciji Vukovara i istočne Slavonije, u ulasku Hrvatske u NATO, u ulasku Hrvatske u EU i onemogućavanju slovenske blokade, u krizi oko Piranskog zaljeva i onemogućavanju ruskog saveznika Slovenije u izlasku u međunarodne vode i strateškim igrama na štetu Hrvatske.

    >>Rusi grade prugu od Kopra prema srednjoj i istočnoj Europi vrijednu 1,5 milijardu eura

    Također, promakla nam je izjava Joe Bidena 2014. na skupu u Istambulu kad je odredio Hrvatsku kao europsko energetsko središte, što treba postati izgradnjom LNG terminala u Rijeci, koju je Milanovićeva vlada kočila cijeli svoj mandat s ciljem da se LNG izgradi u Kopru, dakle u ruskoj interesnoj sferi. Nadalje, zaboravlja se da je SAD otvorio ulazak hrvatskog gospodarstva na tržište Irana, koji je upravo izašao iz izolacije i gladan je svega što nudi zapad, budući je bio više od desetljeća pod međunarodnim sankcijama.

    Trenutno se vrše pritisci na vodstvo HDZ-a od istih onih mreža i struktura koje su bile (i još jesu) isprepletene sa Partijom, a to su naftni lobiji bliski određenim arapskim zemaljama i Rusiji, odnosno oživljavaju se prijateljstva i poznanstva stečena i zapečaćena za vrijeme Jugoslavije i „Nesvrstanih“. Na takvo što asociraju određeni potezi određenih aktera ove političke trakavice, što mnogi vide kao veliku opasnost ugrožavanja vrlo dobrih odnosa sa Sjedinjenim Američkim Državama. I to u trenucima kada Slovenija i Rusija dogovaraju izgradnju željezničke pruge koja bi Kopar, pa tako i Piranski zaljev, povezivala sa srednjom i istočnom Europom i bila ključni izlaz Rusije na topli Mediteran.

    Slovenija - posljednji ruski vazal na Jadranu

    Kad je Milijan Brkić i dio vodstva HDZ-a upozoravao na donošenje ishitrenih odluka, zapravo je bilo riječ o tome da Hrvatska ne smije postati „nesvrstana“, neutralna, odnosno ne smije se, poput Slovenije i Srbije svrstavati na rusku stranu. Hrvatska, s Tihomirom Oreškovićem ili bez njega, mora nastaviti težiti inicijativi Jadran-Baltik s Poljskom i ostalim srednjoeuropskim i baltičkim zemljama, a hrvatske vlasti moraju dati sve od sebe da naša država postane energetsko središte Europe.

    Ivan M. Ban: Kriza vlasti – pretposljednja epizoda

    Po prvi puta u svojoj dugoj povijesti, Hrvatska postaje (geopolitički) zanimljiva u svjetskim razmjerima; zar ćemo zbilja to prokockati zbog interesa određenih pojedinaca i interesnih skupina, kao i njihovog sve očitijih pritisaka na političke stranke i njihove čelnike.

    Već 2017., Hrvatskoj na naplatu dolazi više od 2,5 milijardi eura glavnice i kamata, a u razdoblju do 2027. to se čak utrostručuje na godišnjoj razini. Ukoliko se to ne izbjegne, slijedi nam grčki scenarij. Zato i je Predsjednica potpuno u pravu kad je poručila: prvo interesi države, zatim stranke i na kraju pojedinca.

    Đuro Njavro: Slijedi deset teških godina - Hrvatska mora izbjeći grčki scenarij

    Uz potporu SAD-a, Hrvatska može, i mora, postati energetsko središte Europe, reprogramirati vanjski dug koji je nastao zahvaljujući Račanu, Sanaderu i Kosor, a eskalirao zahvaljujući Zoranu Milanoviću, Slavku Liniću i Borisu Lalovcu. Šteta koju je Hrvatskoj nanijela bivša vlada još će se mjeriti desetljećima, ali najveća je šteta učinjena u međunarodnoj politici. Hrvatska je od 1918. godine istrgnuta iz svoje prirodne sredine, a to je srednja Europa. Vrijeme je da ona opet postane ono što jest, zapadna zemlja, srednje-europskog kulturnog civilizacijskog kruga – nikakav „Balkan“, južnoslavenska zemlja ili kakva druga nakaradnost.

    15.06.2016. HRVATSKA
    Autor: Mila Marušić

    Posts : 529
    Join date : 04.03.2016
    Age : 44
    Location : Zagreb

    Vojske EU i NATO Empty Re: Vojske EU i NATO

    Postaj by Admin ned srp 03, 2016 1:00 am

    Slovačka će modernizirati dio svojih BVP 2 piješačkih vozila.

    Vojske EU i NATO K99siLH

    Posts : 529
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    Age : 44
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    Vojske EU i NATO Empty Re: Vojske EU i NATO

    Postaj by Admin sub srp 09, 2016 10:09 pm

    cisto informacija:

    DRAMA IZNAD PALMIRE Militanti Islamske države srušili ruski helikopter, piloti poginuli!
    AUTOR: OBJAVLJENO: 09.07.2016. u 20:27

    Dvojica ruskih pilota poginula su blizu sirijskog grada Palmire nakon što su njihov helikopter srušili militanti Islamske države, potvrdila je službena Moskva. Ovom tragedijom broj poginulih ruskih vojnika u Siriji popeo se na 12.

    Ministarstvo obrane potvrdilo je da se helikopter našao pod paljbom i ubrzo srušio. Poginuli su Raifagat Habibulin i Jevgenij Dolgin. Nedugo nakon nesreće teroristička skupina IS preuzela je odgovornost za napad.

    - Vojnici 'kalifata' srušili su ruski helikopter koji je pokušao napasti naše položaje. Rezultat tog napada su dva mrtva ruska pilota - stoji u 'poslanici' IS-a.

    - Posada je dala sve od sebe, iskoristili su svu municiju, ali nažalost nisu se uspjeli vratiti u bazu. Oba pilota su mrtva - rekli su iz ministarstva obrane.

    Posts : 529
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    Age : 44
    Location : Zagreb

    Vojske EU i NATO Empty Re: Vojske EU i NATO

    Postaj by Admin uto srp 12, 2016 7:19 am


    Vojske EU i NATO ZlTiI3r

    Vojske EU i NATO 9vJe5ZR

    Posts : 158
    Join date : 04.03.2016
    Age : 52
    Location : Zagreb

    Vojske EU i NATO Empty Re: Vojske EU i NATO

    Postaj by Roman_Stefic sri kol 17, 2016 7:15 pm

    Zanimljiva prica o nastavku razvoja popularnog Browning-a dobija novi evolucijski element:
    US Army plans to combine .50 cal with MK-19 grenade launcher ?

    Vojske EU i NATO 436048-1024x623
    Soldiers fire a .50 caliber machine gun at Camp Atterbury, Ind. | US Army photo by Staff Sgt. Ryan Crane

    The Army is in the early stages of creating requirements for a new externally mounted weapon to replace both the M2 .50-cal machine gun and the MK-19 grenade launcher.
    The idea is to simultaneously lighten the load of mobile attack forces while increasing their lethality and envelope of attack with a single system that achieves the offensive firepower, and desired combat effects, of both weapons. "This will be one weapon with a totally different new type of ammo that is not yet even in the developmental phase,” Laura Battista, product management engineer, told Scout Warrior in an interview.

    The effort is still very much in the early or conceptual phases, though future engineering and requirements initiatives plan to give shape, contours, and direction to the new weapon; as a result, Army officials did not yet specify a time frame as to when this might be operational. It is reasonable, however, to assume that requirements, designs, and then prototypes could emerge in the next few years. The details of how this will be accomplished have not yet emerged, though the planning is to engineer a weapon that has the attack and suppressive fire ability of a .50 cal along with an explosive “area weapon” effect of a grenade launcher.
    The new, combined-fires weapons would bring both logistical and tactical advantages. A single unit on the move could much more easily attack a wider range of targets with one weapon, laying down suppressive fire or attacking with machine gun fire and also achieving the effects of firing grenades at enemy locations when needed.

    The Army will also embark upon a simultaneous excursion to develop a lighter profile barrel for the .50 cal. “We will have many barrels that will lessen the logistic burden of having a spare barrel all the time,” Battista said. “We are also hoping to save a lot of weight. We are hoping to save 16 pounds off of a 26-pound barrel.” The Army’s .50-cal program is looking at a longer-term project to engineer a lighter-weight caseless ammunition that will reduce the amount of brass needed, Lt. Col. Paul Alessio, product manager for crew-served weapons, told Scout Warrior in an interview.

    In addition, the Army plans to engineer a laser rangefinder, new optics, and fire-control technology for the .50 cal. Alessio said a new, bigger machine-gun mounted optic would most likely be put on the gun within the next five years. A laser rangefinder uses an algorithm created to identify the exact distance of a target by combining the speed of light, which is known, with the length of time it takes the laser to reach the target.

    Vojske EU i NATO 2101211-1024x690
    The hot barrel of an M2 Browning .50-caliber machine gun. |US Army Master Sgt. Michel Sauret

    New lightweight .50 cal

    The Army is creating a new, lightweight version of its iconic .50-caliber machine gun designed to better enable soldiers to destroy enemies, protect convoys, mount weapons on vehicles, attack targets on the move, and transport between missions.
    The new weapon, engineered to be 20 to 30% lighter than the existing M2, will be made of durable but lighter weight titanium, Army officials said. The emerging lightweight .50 cal, described as still in its infancy stage, still needs to be built, riveted, and tested. The parts for the titanium prototypes will be built at Picatinny Arsenal in New Jersey and then go to Anniston Army Depot in Alabama for riveting and further construction. “We always want to lighten the soldier load,” Battista said. “A major requirement is to engineer a 60-pound weapon compared to an 86-pound weapon.”
    “We will procure 30 and then go into full-blown testing  air drop, full reliability, durability, maintainability, and government standard testing,” Battista added. “We’ll see how it did compared to the M2, and we will try to go to turn it into a program of record.”

    Vojske EU i NATO 2570746-1024x678
    A US Army soldier with an MK-19 grenade launcher. | Photo by Sgt. Benjamin Parsons

    An intimidating combat-tested weapon

    The M2 crew-served machine gun, referred to as the “Ma Duece,” was first introduced in the 1930s; it has both a lethal and psychological effect upon enemies. “When enemies hear the sound of the gun, they tend to run in the other direction,” Battista said. The machine gun is used on Humvees, tactical trucks, M1 Abrams tanks, Strykers, some Navy ships, and several aircraft such as CH-47 Chinook cargo helicopters and UH-60 Black Hawks. The gun can also be mounted on a tripod on the ground by infantry in a firefight or combat circumstance; the M2 has a solid range and can fire at point targets up to 1,500 meters away and destroy area targets at distances up to 1,800 meters. The .50 cal is effective in a wide variety of circumstances, such as convoy protection, air attacks, and attacks upon small groups of enemies on foot or moving in small vehicles. Several variants of the machine gun can fire more than 500 rounds a minute. “It can be used for antipersonnel (enemy fighters) and also against lightly armored vehicles and light unarmored vehicles,” Maj. Keith Muehling, assistant product manager for crew-served weapons, told Scout Warrior in an interview. “Any time you get into an up-armored (more armor) situation or reactive armor   it is not going to be very effective.

    It works against anything that does not have thick armor.” The Army owns what is called the Technical Data Package, or TDP, for the new lightweight .50 cal; vendors will have to “build to print” and execute the government’s existing specs, Battista said. The Army now operates 24,000 standard M2 machine guns and roughly 25,000 upgraded M2A1 .50-caliber weapons designed with numerous improved features. The improved M2A1 is, among other things, engineered with what is called “fixed head space and timing” designed to better prevent the machine gun from jamming, misfiring, or causing soldier injury, officials said. The M2A1 is also built to be more reliable that the standard M2; the M2 barrel extension can last up to roughly 25,000 rounds, whereas the M2A1 barrel extension can fire as many as 80,000 rounds, Alessio said.
    The Army plans to have initial prototypes of the new lightweight .50 cal built by this coming summer as a preparatory step to release a formal Request For Proposal, or RFP, to industry in the first quarter of 2017, Alessio said. An acquisition contract is expected several months after the RFP is released. The lighter weapon will bring additional an additional range of mission sets for soldiers who will be better able to transport, mount, and fire the weapon against enemies. “If you are a top gunner and you are having to move this weapon around, it is on a pedestal tripod,” Meuhling said. “If it is lighter, you are going to be able to traverse the weapon a little bit easier than a 20-pound-heavier weapon. That is one of the added benefits as far as getting it on and off the vehicle. If a soldier can do that by himself, that is an added benefit.” The M2 uses several different kinds of ammunition, including some rounds engineered to be “harder penetrating.” The weapon also uses an ammo can with 200 rounds; a top cover can be lifted off and the links between rounds are spaced to provide accurate timing as they are dropped into the weapon, service officials said.

    The Army is in the early stages of creating requirements for a new externally mounted weapon to replace both the M2 .50-cal machine gun and the MK-19 grenade launcher. The idea is to simultaneously lighten the load of mobile attack forces while increasing their lethality and envelope of attack with a single system that achieves

    M2A1 .50 Cal Heavy Machine Guns Upgrading
    The M2A1 with Quick Change Barrel (QCB) is an enhancement to the M2 .50 Caliber Machine Gun.  It offers Soldiers increased performance as well as new features and design improvements that make it easier and safer to use.

    Vojske EU i NATO XM806MachineGun
    XM806, was potential new weapon and replacement for M2, but this project was canceled in 2012

    Army Pfc. Craig H. Middleton was the Mk. 19 gunner on his convoy when it came under an insurgent ambush in Afghanistan. But despite his grievous wounds, Middleton was able to beat back the ambush and help save the lives of two wounded airmen an action that earned him the Silver Star. Middleton and his unit, Apache Troop, 3rd Squadron, 4th Cavalry Regiment, were making their way through a dry riverbed bordered by steep hills in Afghanistan on Nov. 16, 2011, when a series of rocket-propelled grenades rained down from the hills on one side.

    Vojske EU i NATO 2653048-1024x678
    The Mk. 19 can hurl 40mm grenades like they're going out of style. (Photo: US Army Staff Sgt. Phillip Steiner)

    The first RPG impacted a scout truck, the second hit the truck behind Middleton, and the third flew through the back window of Middleton's Mine-resistant, Ambush-protected, All-Terrain Vehicle and exploded inside it. Middleton was instantly peppered with shrapnel up and down his legs, but he was still doing better than the two Air Force joint terminal attack controllers in the back of the vehicle. Both of them had received shrapnel and blast damage to their upper bodies. The wounded and embattled gunner opened up with his Mk. 19, firing 40mm grenades where the rockets had come from as well as any muzzle flashes or fighters he could spot. Out of targets, Middleton dove into the back of the MATV and applied a tourniquet to one of the JTACs.

    Vojske EU i NATO 2402847-1024x682
    Mine-resistant, Ambush-protected, All-terrain vehicles pack a lot of armor, but RPGs can still get inside in rare cases and cause complete havoc.. (Photo: US Army Staff Sgt. Alex Manne)

    While he treated the first JTAC, another RPG hit the vehicle, so Middleton rushed back up to engage the enemy. He fired more 40mm grenades, the nearby hills were too steep for that weapon to reach some of the enemy positions. Middleton switched to his\u00a0M4 and fired over 100 rounds before going below once again to give the other wounded JTAC a tourniquet. Throughout all of this, Middleton was bleeding from dozens of shrapnel wounds. At some point he was also shot in the thigh. The Army platoon inflicted an estimated 25 kills against the insurgents despite tough odds. As the fighters retreated, Middleton reassessed the casualties and spotted a severe groin bleed on the second JTAC which he treated with another tourniquet. The truck then headed to the casualty collection point to get the two wounded airmen to medical care. It wasn't until Middleton had helped prepare the other wounded MEDEVAC that he admitted that he was also severely wounded.

    Posts : 66
    Join date : 19.03.2016

    Vojske EU i NATO Empty Re: Vojske EU i NATO

    Postaj by Osprey pet kol 26, 2016 8:37 pm

    I Tunis je uzeo Kiowe ... ali, oni su ih platili ...

    Tunis preuzeo prve helikoptere Kiowa Warrior i Black Hawk

    Objavio Defender -  25. kolovoza 2016.

    Vojske EU i NATO A7RyYkv

    Tunis je počeo s preuzimanjem prvih Bell OH-58D Kiowa Warrior i UH-60 Black Hawk helikoptera. Pokazuje to fotografija objavljena na forumu za OS snage Alžira, Tunisa i šireg Magreba. Ona pokazuje preuzimanje prvog od ukupno 24 Kiowa Warrior helikoptera za potrebe Ratnog zrakoplovstva Tunisa na nepoznatom aerodromu u zemlji. Jedan od 12 naručenih helikoptera Black Hawk koji bi trebao biti isporučen može se vidjeti u pozadini.

    Tunis ima četiri glavne helikopterske operativne baze: Bizerte-Sidi Ahmed u blizini sjeverne Mediteranske obale, Bizerte-La Karouba na sjevernoj obali; Sfax-El Maou na istočnoj obali te Gafsa u unutrašnjosti, pa je vjerojatno da je fotografija nastala na jednom od tih mjesta.

    Nabava 24 Kiowa Warrior helikoptera za Tunis je odobrena od strane vlade SAD-a početkom svibnja. U to vrijeme, američka DSCA je rekla kako će nabava u vrijednosti USD100.8 milijuna uključivati Excess Defense Articles (EDA) helikoptere, kao i sustave naoružanja, obrambena pomagala, naočale za noćno gledanje, komunikacijske i navigacijske sustave te obuku i podršku.

    Ugovor za četiri “modificirana” UH-60M Black Hawk višenamjenska helikoptera objavljen je 30. lipnja 2015. Svih 12 helikoptera Black Hawk trebali bi stići u zemlju do kraja lipnja 2019. godine.

    Dakle, dolazi "pojacanje" alzirskim starosjediocima

    Vojske EU i NATO QJL_Mi-35_FB-46[/center]

    Posts : 529
    Join date : 04.03.2016
    Age : 44
    Location : Zagreb

    Vojske EU i NATO Empty Re: Vojske EU i NATO

    Postaj by Admin sri ruj 14, 2016 5:07 pm

    Vojske EU i NATO WHdrzpm

    Švedska ponovno vraća vojsku na otok Gotland zbog opasnosti od ruske agresije

    Švedski otok Gotland na Baltičkom moru ponovno je postao stalan dom švedskih oružanih snaga, priopćila je vojska. Vijest je došla u trenutku kad se spekulira oko sposobnosti nacije da se obrani od eventaulne ruske agresije. Švedska vlada odlučila je u ožujku 2015. remilitarizirati najveći otok na kojem je posljednja vojarna prestala s radom 2005. godine. Potez ponovnog razmještaja vojske na otoku učinjen je ranije nego što se očekivalo.
    “Geopolitička situacija se pogoršala tijekom vremena i odlučio sam da trebamo stalnu prisutnost na otoku, tako da smo ubrzali planove razmještaja borbenih snaga”, izjavio je vrhovni vojni zapovjednik Micael Byden za švedsku TV.

    Švedska je razmjestila 150 vojnika, a pojačanja se očekuju u srpnju iduće godine. U lipnju 2015. američki think-tank Cepa objavio je izvješće u kojem se navodi kako je Rusija imala vojne vježbe sa 33.000 vojnika u cilju uvježbavanja invazije na Gotland.

    Švedska vlada je u više navrata pokušala umanjiti rizik od moguće invazije, a stručnjaci su protumačili ruske vježbe kao znak povećane agresivnosti Moskve. Stockholm je nedavno pojačao svoje vojne kapacitete i vježbe s NATO-om te najavio veliki rast u svom proračunu za obranu – nakon drastičnih rezova od kraja Hladnog rata. “Mi ne vidimo opasnost od napada. Ovo je potez jačanja švedskog suvereniteta”, rekao je švedski ministar obrane Peter Hultqvist.

    Švedska ima dugu tradiciju vojne neutralnosti, ali sudjeluje u partnerskim programima i vježbama NATO-a. Također sudjeluje u zajedničkoj obrambenoj politici EU, a u lipnju je potpisana “izjava o namjeri” vojne suradnje sa Sjedinjenim Američkim Državama.

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    Vojske EU i NATO Empty Re: Vojske EU i NATO

    Postaj by andree čet ruj 15, 2016 12:20 am

    Snimka od koje ćete se naježiti: Pogledajte što se dogodilo nakon što se pilot vojnog aviona onesvijestio...

    Snimka ratnog zrakoplovstva iz Arizone oduševila je svijet

    F-16 zaista je nevjerojatan vojni zrakoplov, ali njegovo najbolje svojstvo jest mogućnost preuzimanja kontrole nad zrakoplovom čim pilot izgubi kontrolu.
    Upravo se to dogodilo u Arizoni, a sve je zabilježila ova fascinantna snimka koja je nedavno puštena u javnost i koja je osvojila svijet, prenosi Popular Science.
    Na snimci se može vidjeti ''potonuće'' zrakoplova nakon što se pilot onesvijestio zbog utjecaja čak 8 G-sila, što predstavlja veliko opterećenje za tijelo. 
    Mehanizam koji je preuzeo zrakoplov spasio je pilotu život, ponovno uspostavivši ravnotežu u zraku. Ovo je najmanje četvrti put kako taj sustav spašava pilote, nakon što je prvi put instaliran 2014.

    Vojske EU i NATO Author_unknown

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    Vojske EU i NATO Empty Re: Vojske EU i NATO

    Postaj by Admin pon lis 10, 2016 8:37 pm

    Huti napadaju

    Iz Jemena raketiran američki razarač USS Mason!

    Autor: T. P.Ponedjeljak, 10. Listopad 2016. u 11:12

    Brod nije oštećen te nema ozlijeđenih osoba.

    S jemenskog teritorija koji je pod kontrolom pobunjeničkog pokreta Huti u nedjelju su ispaljene dvije rakete prema američkom razaraču USS Mason. Rakete su pale u more ispred broda.

    “Nema ozlijeđenih među našim mornarima, niti nema štete na brodu”, rekao je glasnogovornik američke vojske, javlja Reuters.

    Ovaj napad na američki razarač USS Mason dogodio se samo tjedan dana nakon napada na plovilo Ujedinjenih Arapskih Emirata, također od strane Hutija.

    Vojske EU i NATO 4KXYzME
    USS Mason (DDG-87)

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    FOX News

    Vojske EU i NATO DiFUYcu

    Houthi rebels fire 2 missiles at US Navy destroyer in Red Sea

    Iranian-backed Houthi rebels fired two missiles at a U.S. Navy destroyer operating off the coast of Yemen in the Red Sea on Sunday -- though neither missile hit the ship, the Pentagon said in a statement.

    Though the American warship wasn't struck, the ship was definitely targeted, a U.S. defense official told Fox News. This dramatic escalation comes a week after the U.S. Navy sent warships to the area when a United Arab Emirates flagged auxiliary ship was destroyed off the coast of Yemen by the Houthis.

    "We assess the missiles were launched from Houthi-controlled territory in Yemen," Pentagon spokesman Capt Jeff Davis said. "The United States remains committed to ensuring freedom of navigation everywhere in the world, and we will continue to take all necessary steps to ensure the safety of our ships and our servicemembers."

    It was not immediately clear how close the missiles came to the destroyer.

    "In the first instance USS Mason employed onboard defensive measures, although it is unclear whether this led to the missile striking the water or whether it would have struck the water anyway," a defense official told Fox News.
    Officials said the American ship was conducting routine operations in international waters when the missiles were fired, but didn't provide an exact location.

    "Beyond that, the incident is under investigation, and we hope to have more details for you in the coming days," the defense official said. "We take this very seriously. We will protect our people."

    The White House condemned the missile firings, a senior administration official told Fox News.
    U.S. officials have long accused Iran of supplying missiles and other weapons to the Houthis.

    The U.S. supports a Saudi-led coalition in Yemen's civil war, which began in 2015. The U.S. embassy was closed in Yemen over a year ago.
    Fox News first reported last week that U.S. warships were sent to Yemen's coast after a United Arab Emirates ship was recently targeted by the Houthis. That ship used to be owned by a U.S. company, but was contracted to UAE at the time.
    Yemen's Shiite rebels and their allies offered no reason for the launches, though they came after a Saudi-led airstrike targeting a funeral in Yemen's capital killed more than 140 people and wounded 525 on Saturday.

    Fox News' Kristin Brown and The Associated Press contributed to this report.

    Lucas Tomlinson is the Pentagon and State Department producer for Fox News Channel. You can follow him on Twitter: @LucasFoxNews

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    Vojske EU i NATO Empty Re: Vojske EU i NATO

    Postaj by Roman_Stefic uto stu 01, 2016 6:14 pm

    vrlo zanimljivo:

    Kina prvi put predstavila javnosti svog “nevidljivog” lovca J-20

    Piše: -1. studenoga 2016. u 12:170
    Foto: fah

    Kina je u utorak prvi put predstavila javnosti svog “nevidljivog” lovca Chengdu J-20 na aeromitingu u sklopu skupa proizvođača zrakoplova.

    Radi se o novoj generaciji borbenih zrakoplova J-20 za koju se Peking nada da će se na vojnom planu približiti Sjedinjenim Državama.

    Dva zrakoplova J-20 nadlijetala su 60 sekundi uglednike i stotine gledatelja koji su se okupili na aeromitingu u Zhuhaiu u pokrajini Guangdong.

    Ti se borbeni zrakoplovi smatraju simbolom želje Pekinga da modernizira i poboljša svoje vojne sposobnosti.

    Neki analitičari tvrde da Kina još nema dovoljno razvijenu tehnologiju da bi konkurirala zapadnjačkim borbenim avionima, ali većina ih očekuje da će u 2017. godini imati spremnu svoju jedinicu nevidljivih borbenih zrakoplova.


    Vojske EU i NATO Vm1BlUJ

    Vojske EU i NATO WlZHpNz

    The J-20, China's fifth-generation stealth fighter, debuted at the Zhuhai Airshow on Tuesday. Two J-20 jets swept over hundreds of spectators at the show's opening
    ceremony in a 60-second flyby, generating a deafening roar that set off car alarms in a parking lot at the site.

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    Vojske EU i NATO Empty Re: Vojske EU i NATO

    Postaj by Admin čet stu 10, 2016 5:03 pm

    CASLAV, Czech Republic – In the afternoon of November 7, 2016, the Czech Air Force deployment to Iceland providing peacetime interception capabilities for the NATO Ally in the High North successfully concluded.

    For more than a month five JAS-39 Gripen fighter jets operated under the NATO Integrated Air and Missile Defence System in the High North.
    "This third deployment of the Czech Air Force to Iceland has been another demonstration of Allied solidarity and cohesion,” said Lieutenant Colonel Jaroslav Tomana, the Detachment Commander during the mission in Iceland; his team conducted 120 sorties and logged 166 flying hours. Here are some impressions wrapping up the NATO mission.

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    Vojske EU i NATO Empty Re: Vojske EU i NATO

    Postaj by Roman_Stefic pon stu 14, 2016 9:53 pm

    Vojske EU i NATO UB5R3dE

    Francuska nuklearna podmornica u Splitu

    Rade Županović - 14. studenoga 2016. Istaknuto, Iz programa

    U splitsku luku Lora jutros je, u službeni posjet HRM-u, uplovila francuska nuklearna podmornica klase „Rubis“. Rijeć je o prvoj od 6 istovjetnih jurišnih podmornica francuske ratne mornarice na nuklearni pogon koja je u službi još od 1983.g. godine, s matičnom lukom u Tulonu.

    Francuska nuklearna podmornica naoružana je torpedima i protubrodskim raketama i naravno ne nosi nuklearno oružje a posadu čini 70 mornara i časnika.
    Zapovjednik kapetan fregate Wenceslas de Monicault, je kazao da je glavni razlog dolaska u Split odmor posade i obnavljanje zaliha.
    – Posada je fizički potpuno iscrpljena, dobro će im doći vrijeme provedeno u Splitu kako bi se odmorili. Odmorit ću se i ja, u posjet mi dolazi supruga. Nema sumnje da ćemo uživati u ovom prekrasnom gradu.

    Ipak, novinare je zanimalo je li se u pozadini ovog događaja, baš kao i one vojne vježbe prošlog tjedna u kojoj je njemački zrakoplov kružio nad Splitom, kriju neki sumnjivi vojni manevri u Sredozemlju.
    – Svakako je potrebno pozdraviti uplovljavanje ove podmornice i pratećeg broda u Split. To je naš prvi dolazak i jedan od ciljeva posjeta je da provjerimo s kakvim kapacitetima se može raspolagati ovdje.

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    Posjet francuske podmornice Rubis HRM-u i Gradu Splitu

    Bilateralna vojna suradnja sa Francuskom Republikom nastavlja se još jednim posjetom brodova francuske Nacionalne mornarice gradu Splitu i Hrvatskoj ratnoj mornarici. U pratnji broda Bison, u ponedjeljak, 14. studenog 2016., u ratnu luku Lora uplovila je podmornica Rubis (S 601) koja će u Splitu boraviti do 20. studenog.

    Riječ je o podmornici na nuklearni pogon, jednoj od ukupno šest podmornica klase Rubis Amethyste izgrađenih u francuskom brodogradilištu u Cherbourgu za potrebe Nacionalne mornarice Francuske Republike. Podmornica Rubis (S 601) (ex Provence) u službi od veljače 1983. godine, širine je 10,00 m, dužine 72,10 m i gaza 6,80 m. Matična luka broda je u Toulonu. Posada broji 77 članova, a zapovjednik broda je kapetan korvete Wenceslas de Monicault.

    Program boravka podmornice Rubis započeo je službenim prijemom u Zapovjedništvu HRM-a kojem su nazočili veleposlanica Francuske Republike RH, NJ. E. Corinne Brunon-Meunier sa suprugom, zapovjednici brodova te vojni izaslanik Francuske Republike u RH brigadir Fabrice Duda. Zapovjednik Hrvatske ratne mornarice kontraadmiral Predrag Stipanović izaslanstvu je izrazio srdačnu dobrodošlicu istaknuvši dugogodišnju sjajnu suradnju naših država uopće, no posebno naših dviju mornarica.
    Program boravka francuskih brodova nastavlja se protokolarnim prijemima u splitskom Poglavarstvu i Županiji Splitsko-dalmatinskoj, te razgledavanjem podmornice od strane pripadnika Hrvatske ratne mornarice.

    Tekst: M. Siriščević
    Foto: OS RH/S. Grgić; Marine Nationale

    Taktičko-tehničke karakteristike podmornice Rubis S-601:
    Dimenzije: dužina preko svega: 73.6 m, širina: 7.6 m, gaz: 6.4 m
    Istisnina (površinska/podvodna): 2400 / 2600 t
    Pogonska grupa: nuklearni reaktor CAS 48 MW, pomoćni pogon dizel motor SEMT-Pielstick i Jeumont Schneider 8 PA4 V 185 SM
    Brzina: preko 25 čv (46 km/h), autonomnost: preko 45 dana, dubina ronjenja: 300 m
    Posada: 75 članova
    Senzori: navigacijski radar Type 1007, sonar Thales Underwater Systems DMUX 20, radar DRUA 33
    Naoružanje: 4 torpedne cijevi kalibra 533 mm za torpeda ECAN L5 Mod 3 i rakete Exocet SM39
    Izgrađeno 6 podmornica u klasi: Rubis S601, Saphir S602, Casabianca S603, Emeraude S604, Amethyste S605, Perle S606 i jedna s konvencionalnim pogonom Turquoise

    Vojske EU i NATO 3WH7VpW

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    Vojske EU i NATO Empty Re: Vojske EU i NATO

    Postaj by Osprey sub stu 19, 2016 12:04 am

    Vojske EU i NATO W7SuEKR

    State Department odobrio Velikoj Britaniji nabavu 26 Predatora B

    Objavio Defender - 18. studenoga 2016.

    Američki State Department odobrio je prijedlog 1 milijarde USD vrijednu prodaju 26 Predator B bespilotnih letjelica i prateće opreme Velikoj Britaniji.

    Prodaja osim dronova uključuje 12 Advanced Ground Control Stations, 12 Multi-spectral Targeting Systems, 25 AN/APY-8 Lynx IIe Block 20A Synthetic Aperture Radara i drugu komunikacijsku i identifikacijsku opremu. Pričuvni dijelovi za opremu su također uključeni u ugovor.

    DSCA je navela kako će se Predator koristiti u britanskim oružanim snagama za obavještajne zadaće, nadzor i za potrebe izviđanja u potpori borbe protiv terorizma. S obzirom na iskustvo u operacijama sa MQ-9 Reaper, DSCA sugerira kako britansko vojno osoblje neće imati problema sa uvođenjem novih letjelica u oružane snage.

    General Atomics Predator B bespilotna letjelica ima izdržljivost više od 27 sati, a može operirati na visini do 15.000 metara. Zrakoplov je navodno dva puta brži nego njegov prethodnik, a pokreće ga Honeywell TPE331-10 turboprop motor.

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    Vojske EU i NATO Empty Re: Vojske EU i NATO

    Postaj by Mihal sub stu 19, 2016 12:13 am

    Kad smo vec kod dronova ....

    Vojske EU i NATO Dz1XmLU

    Bespilotní Avenger ER kao leteci tanker buducnosti?

    Krajem listopada General Atomics (GA) je uspješno testirao bezposadni mlazni zrakoplov Avenger ER (Poboljsana nacica Avenger). U odnosu na originalni model Avenger ER ima veći raspon krila i vecu izdržljivost u zraku.

    Avenger bespilotne letjelice kao osnovu dizajn imaju u poznatoj bespilotnoj inacici drona MQ-9 Reaper. Međutim Avenger pokreće mlazni motor Pratt & Whitney Canada PW545B potiska 17,75 kn, dok MQ-9 ima turboprop motor Honeywell TPE331-10 na performanse 671 kW.
    Prvi  let drona Avenger se dogodio u 2009, ali je u međuvremenu uvedeno u službu bez vojske. Američko zrakoplovstvo tvrdi da je Avenger nudi preko MQ-9 male mogućnosti za poboljšanje. Zamjena dokazanu MQ-9 i nema smisla prema zrakoplovstvu.

    Zrakoplovstvo kuplje u 2011, samo jedan Avenger za testiranje. Air Force testiranje Avenger ni u borbene zone - navodi se u priopćenju iz kraja GA listopada Avenger služio za ispuštajući letke u Siriji.

    Sve u svemu, do sada su tri proizvedena Avangera. Do danas, sva tri tipa - uključujući one u US Air Force - su preletjeli 13.000 sati.

    GA tvrtka sada je uvela više naprednih verzija osvetnik ER . Zrakoplov ima veći raspon krila (23 metara), a može nositi jedna tona više goriva. Avenger ER će ostati u zraku 20 sati, u usporedbi s 15 hu izvornu inačicu. Valja dodati da je to život u zrak bez streljiva.
    Na primjer, MQ-9 Reaper za geodetske, praćenje i izvještavanje (ISR) misija traje u zraku do 30 sati, s punom opremom, a zatim 23 h. Najnovija verzija neradnik Reaper ER je onda mogao ostati u zraku više od 40 sata.

    "Povećana izdržljivost u zraku i visoka nosivost pruža značajne mogućnosti za naše klijente koji trebaju pristup kontinuiranom situacijske svijesti do zračnih udara", komentirao prednosti najnovije Avenger Linden Blue, izvršni direktor GA-ASI (General Atomics zrakoplovnim sustavima).

    Vojske EU i NATO EwGX628

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    Orginalni tekst:

    Bigger Wings, More Fuel, Carry the Avenger Longer and Farther

    General Atomics Aeronautical Systems, Inc. (GA‑ASI), successfully performed the first flight of the Avenger Extended Range (Avenger ER) remotely piloted aircraft (RPA). The flight occurred on October 27th at the company’s Gray Butte Flight Operations Facility in Palmdale, Calif.

    Vojske EU i NATO 35Zsql6
    The Extended Range version of the Avenger has a wing span of 76 feet. With additional 2000 lbs of fuel it can carry missions of up to 20 hours. Photo: GA-ASI.

    The ER wingspan was increased by 10 foot – to 76 feet (23.16 m’); also, the drone carries 2,200 pounds (1 ton) of additional fuel, extending the legacy Avenger’s endurance from 15 hours to 20 hours. The distinctive winglets which were also implemented in the MQ-9 ER are also used with the Avenger ER, designed to improve performance and improve fuel consumption. “The increased endurance and high payload capacity will deliver tremendous capability to our customers, who need persistent situational awareness and strike mission affordability,” said Linden Blue, CEO, GA-ASI. The Avenger flew its first flight in 2009 and was acquired by the US Air Force for evaluation in 2011. To date, the Avenger has accumulated over 13,000 flight hours to date, in both test and operational flights.

    The new version has an extended range and endurance, Surveillance, and Reconnaissance (ISR) and precision-strike capability, supporting a wide array of sensors and weapons payloads to perform ISR and ground support missions. Like the legacy Avenger, Avenger ER features avionics based upon the combat-proven Predator B/MQ-9 Reaper, has a 44-foot (13.41 m’) long fuselage, 3,000-pound (1.36 ton) payload bay, and is capable of flying at over 400 KTAS (740 km/h). Avenger ER, along with its predecessor, is designed to carry payloads such as the all-weather GA-ASI Lynx Multi-mode Radar, the MS-177 Electro-optical/Infrared (EO/IR) sensor, and the 2,000-pound (907 kg) Joint Direct Attack Munition (JDAM).

    While the Avenger platform is not operationally used by the US Air Force, a navalized derivative of the system is considered by the US Navy for its MQ-25 ‘Stingray’ carrier-based drone. On another demonstration planned for 2018, the Avenger could carry a powerful laser, demonstrating new missile defense capabilities.

    GA-ASI developed Avenger on Internal Research and Development (IRAD) funds with the intent of making an RPA that has a quick-response, armed reconnaissance capability. First flown in April 2009, the aircraft’s fuselage was extended by four feet in 2012 to accommodate larger payloads and fuel. Avenger received an FAA-issued Experimental Certificate (EC) in 2016, enabling it to operate in the U.S. National Airspace System (NAS).

    Extended range version of the Reaper - a version of the MQ-9 Predator B equipped with longer wings and more fuel to carry out extended missions. Photo: GA-ASI

    Vojske EU i NATO DzGx6XK
    The ER variant of the Predator B (Reaper) flew in February 2016. It is equipped with longer wings and carries more fuel to extend mission endurance up to 40 hours. Photo: GA-ASI

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    Vojske EU i NATO Empty Re: Vojske EU i NATO

    Postaj by Mihal pet stu 25, 2016 10:37 pm

    Lijepa reklama za nasu vojsku


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    Join date : 12.09.2016

    Vojske EU i NATO Empty Re: Vojske EU i NATO

    Postaj by F-84G_Thunderjet pet pro 02, 2016 10:15 pm

    Vojske EU i NATO 78CCHh6

    A Latvian soldier looks down the barrel of his weapon with a Humvee for protection in the background.

    The Baltic battalion of up to a thousand soldiers from Latvia, Estonia and Lithuania trains together as they prepare to join the 2016 rotation of the NATO Response Force (NRF). Made up of land, air, maritime and special operations forces, the NRF can deploy quickly, wherever needed.

    See more great pictures here:


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    Vojske EU i NATO Empty Re: Vojske EU i NATO

    Postaj by Osprey ned pro 04, 2016 10:49 am

    zanimljivosti o nuklearnim arsenalima

    .. na malo saljiv nacin ... ali bas tako smjesno i nije

    Video pokazuje gdje se u svijetu nalaze nuklearne bombe koje su službeno evidentirane. Mnoge od njih smještene su u blizini velikih europskih gradova, među kojima su London, Glasgow i Bruxelles.

    Kako piše Daily Mail, oko 50 takvih bombi je ''izgubljeno'' ili slučajno premješteno tijekom godina na neke druge lokacije.
    Nuklearna bomba najbliže Hrvatskoj smješetna je na sjeveru Italije, podaci su koje je objavio Real Life Lore.
    Što se tiče SAD-a, ondje se nuklerane bombe nalaze na 10 lokacija.

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    Vojske EU i NATO Empty Re: Vojske EU i NATO

    Postaj by Admin sri pro 28, 2016 12:20 am

    Vojske EU i NATO Krm8toj

    Boeing resumes Advanced Super Hornet push as US Navy considers fleet size


    Boeing Defense has “matured its thinking” about the Advanced Super Hornet concept that it launched in 2013 and flight tested, revealing a scaled-back configuration this week with fewer stealth features and perhaps a greater chance of being picked up by the US Navy.

    The new design, which would be mostly common between Boeing’s F/A-18E/F Super Hornet and EA-18G Growler warplanes, is a mix of new capabilities and upgrades like the centreline fuel tank-mounted infrared search and track (IRST21) sensor, integrated defensive electronic countermeasures (IDECM) Block IV, active electronically scanned array (AESA) radar and next-generation jammer that are already being introduced as programmes of records.

    Upgrades that have not yet been adopted by the Pentagon include an enhanced engine, conformal fuel tanks and an open architecture cockpit with a 48cm (19in) wide-area display.

    Vojske EU i NATO GApeGwf

    The proposal comes ahead of the Navy League Sea-Air-Space exposition in Washington DC next week, and amid discussions within the Pentagon about how many more Super Hornets and Growlers the navy actually needs beyond the 568 F/A-18s and 160 EA-18Gs that have already been ordered.
    Boeing is also preparing to undertake an F/A-18E/F service life extension programme that would extend that carrier-based aircraft’s usability from 6,000 flight hours to 9,000h.

    The first Super Hornet to reach 6,000h will likely be inducted for overhaul later this year, and meanwhile, the lives of legacy Hornet types are already being extended out to 10,000h.
    The US chief of naval operations recently told Congress that the maritime service needs 24-36 more Super Hornets to meet an acknowledged fighter capacity gap as the Lockheed Martin F-35 comes online six or seven years later than expected.
    The navy currently maintains nine carrier air wings including a 10th “paper wing” to support America’s 10 aircraft carriers, as well as an 11th Ford-class vessel that is not yet commissioned.

    Each air wing ideally contains four fighter squadron with 44 total aircraft, and current F-35 production and Hornet recapitalisation rates would see two F-35 and two F/A-18 squadrons per air wing in the 2030s.

    Boeing’s vice-president of F/A-18 and EA-18G programmes Dan Gillian says based current orders – including the 15 added by Congress in fiscal year 2015 defence budget and the dozen more included in FY2016 – continues Super Hornet production in St Louis, Missouri through mid-2018 at a rate of two aircraft per month.

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    EA-18G Growler, Boeing

    The congressional defence committees have moved to fund 16 more F/A-18 units as part of the FY2017 budget (14 more than requested) and Gillian remains confident of a near-term deal with Kuwait.

    The Super Hornet executive says that while the navy has a nearer term need for 24-36 aircraft, Boeing’s analysis suggests that “about 100” more aircraft will be needed long-term.

    As the navy considers if it needs more Growlers beyond the five to seven aircraft currently employed by each carrier air wing, Gillian suggests that eight are needed per carrier air group to meet navy mission needs and perhaps even as many as “10 to 11” per wing to fulfill joint force requirements for airborne electronic attack.

    The company sees long-term viability in its St Louis line as long as production rates stay above two per month. Gillian says assembly dropped to that floor rate in April.
    Boeing is eyeing fighter requirements by Canada, Denmark, Finland, Belgium, Spain and Kuwait and is even considering building some portion of the aircraft in India if it were successful in that campaign.

    Regarding the Advanced Super Hornet and Growler, Gillian says Australia has already expressed interest in the conformal fuel tanks for its aircraft, and by doing away with drop tanks, the electronic attack pods on the EA-18G will have a greater field of regard.
    It terms of differences between the Advanced Super Hornet proposal put forward in 2013 – which included low-observable enhancements like an enclosed weapons pod – and the one presented to the media on 11 May, Gillian says “the biggest different is maturation of thought”.

    “Twenty-thirteen was really about how great can we make Super Hornet in some of those stealth areas?" he says. "That was a little bit more of a head-to-head discussion [versus the F-35].
    "Twenty-sixteen is about complimentary capability and what does the carrier air wing need given the other assets like F-35, [Northrop Grumman] E-2D and Growler that are going to be out there.”

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    Postaj by Admin čet sij 05, 2017 8:48 pm

    Poljska postaje jako i neosvojivo uporište NATO saveza, US salje tamo 1300 vozila i 650 kontejnera sa opremom

    US Army reveals details of support for Europe: 1.300 vehicles and 650 containers


    The US Army has published details of the deployment in Europe of elements of the American Armoured Brigade Combat Group and the 10th Combat Aviation Brigade. The first elements of the American strengthening arrive on January 6 to the German port of Bremerhaven. In total, the brigade will have more than 1.300 vehicles, including about 250 heavy cars battle - M1 Abrams tanks, BWP / BWR Bradley and M109A6 Paladin howitzers.

    Vojske EU i NATO Vp4SNJK

    From 6 to 9 January to the port of Bremerhaven in Germany arrives equipment belonging to the 3rd Armored Brigade Combat Group of the 4th Infantry Division, aimed to create ABCT (Armored Brigade Combat Team) on the eastern flank of the Alliance.

    Armored Brigade Combat Group

    According to information provided by the US Army Armoured Brigade Combat Group will comprise 3.500. soldiers and its equipment will be approximately 87 M1 Abrams tanks, 18 self-propelled howitzer M109A6 Paladin, 419 HMMWV various types and 144 BWP Bradley. A total of 446 state of the brigade will be tracked vehicles, 907 wheeled vehicles and 650 containers. This equipment is transported to Germany, where land transport (both rail and road) will be deployed in Poland, in the region of Drawsko Pomorskie and Zagan.

    According to the schedule deployment in February. individual subunits will be relocated to various regions of the eastern flank of NATO. With the Polish bases in Sagan, Świętoszów, Skwierzyna and Bolesławcu will operate the command of the brigade, artillery battalion (3rd Battalion 29th Field Artillery Regiment), diagnosis (4th Squadron 10th Cavalry Regiment), engineering and support. That is, in Poland are to be deployed units which use include M109A6 self-propelled howitzers, combat vehicles or reconnaissance M3 Bradley.

    The other three combat battalions will be deployed in the field area of ​​operations Atlantic Resolve. 1st Battalion 68th Armor Regiment will travel to the Baltic countries, its subdivisions will remain there until the deployment of NATO battalion groups. Later he will participate in the exercises in different parts of Europe.

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    Vojske EU i NATO Empty Re: Vojske EU i NATO

    Postaj by Admin pet pro 29, 2017 4:09 pm

    Amerikanci .. ovaj puta, kroz "svoj" privatni program ucvrscuju svoju poziciju u svemiru ...

    Falcon Heavy raised on pad 39A for first time

    (prvi puta je na lansirnoj rampi Kennedy Space Center in Florida kolos od 70 metara, 64 tone)

    Vojske EU i NATO Fh_vert1-678x389

    SpaceX’s Falcon Heavy stands vertical at pad 39A on Thursday. Credit: Spaceflight Now

    SpaceX’s first Falcon Heavy rocket, made up of two previously-flown Falcon 9 boosters and a beefed up central core stage, made the trip to launch pad 39A at NASA’s Kennedy Space Center in Florida and was raised vertical Thursday for testing ahead of its first liftoff next month.

    The fully-assembled 229-foot-tall (70-meter) rocket will be the most powerful in the world when it blasts off, and Thursday’s arrival atop pad 39A marks a major step toward readying the Falcon Heavy for flight.

    SpaceX engineers are expected to conduct a fit check and complete other tests at pad 39A this week, followed by a hold-down firing of all 27 first stage engines some time after New Year’s Day. The company has not set a target date for the Falcon Heavy’s first liftoff, but officials say the launch is targeted in January, some time after the hold-down hotfire test.

    Become a Spaceflight Now member to watch live video of the Falcon Heavy at pad 39A.

    The Falcon Heavy’s inaugural test launch will have a dummy payload on-board, but SpaceX has readied a flashier, more colorful passenger than the boilerplates and water ballast carried on previous test flights of new heavy-lift launchers.

    SpaceX founder and chief executive Elon Musk decided to place one of his Tesla Roadsters on-board the Falcon Heavy, a cherry red creation from Musk’s electric car company.

    The Falcon Heavy will attempt to give the automobile enough speed to escape the grasp of Earth’s gravity, sending it into a heliocentric solar orbit that will take it to the approximate distance of Mars from the sun.

    When it blasts off next month, the heavy-lifter will generate about 4.7 million pounds of thrust at launch. Musk said the first Falcon Heavy’s engines will be throttled to 92 percent of full power.

    That will make the Falcon Heavy the most powerful rocket flying today, exceeding the European Ariane 5 launcher, the world’s leader in liftoff power at 2.9 million pound of thrust from two segmented solid rocket boosters and a core engine. SpaceX’s new rocket will produce more thrust than any launch vehicle since the space shuttle.

    The Falcon Heavy will also be able to carry more payload into orbit than any other rocket in the world, a more important measure of the rocket’s lifting capacity.

    The Delta 4-Heavy rocket, operated by SpaceX rival United Launch Alliance, can haul up to 63,471 pounds (28,790 kilograms) to a low-altitude orbit approximately 120 miles (200 kilometers) above Earth when launched to the east from Cape Canaveral, according to a launch vehicle data sheet published by ULA.

    When its first stage boosters are not recovered, SpaceX’s Falcon Heavy will be capable of delivering up to 140,660 pounds (63,800 kilograms) to low Earth orbit when launched to the east from Florida’s Space Coast, where rockets get a velocity boost from Earth’s rotation.

    But SpaceX intends to land all three first stage boosters on the Falcon Heavy, eating into the rocket’s propellant reserves and reducing the weight it can loft into orbit.

    For the maiden flight next month, the Falcon Heavy’s two side boosters, recovered and modified from Falcon 9 flights in 2016, will cut off and return to Cape Canaveral Air Force Station for near-simultaneous landings. The center core, a newly-built booster, will head for landing on SpaceX’s floating platform in the Atlantic Ocean.

    Email the author. Follow Stephen Clark on Twitter: @StephenClark1.

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    Vojske EU i NATO Empty Re: Vojske EU i NATO

    Postaj by andree sub ruj 15, 2018 1:22 pm

    Rafael targets Spike anti-tank missile sales in Germany, Poland

    JERUSALEM — Rafael Advanced Defense Systems hopes its Spike extended-range anti-tank missile will be a good fit for the German and Polish armed forces. Unveiled at the International Defence Industry Exhibition MSPO in Kielce, Poland, the new missile has a range of 10 kilometers (6 miles), but is said to be able to go as far as 16 kilometers when launched from a helicopter.

    The precision missile weights less than 35 kilograms (77 pounds), includes a non-line-of-sight capability with a new radio frequency data link, as well as an advanced seeker with a high-resolution infrared sensor that enables multispectral target-tracking. The Israeli company says this makes it ideal for seeking out camouflaged targets or targets in smoky environments.

    “Its Tandem HEAT warhead has armor-penetration capabilities of all known main battle tanks and embedded anti-structure capabilities,” according to Rafael. The missile has an option for a blast and fragmentation warhead for targeting fortifications or ships.

    The company is designating the Spike ER2 for the German Eurocopter Tiger attack helicopters, hoping to continue the success it found fitting the missile on Spanish Tigers.

    Rafael hopes the Polish Army will choose the Spike ER2 as a surface-to-surface, precision-guided missile, building on past sales of the Spike LR. It will also offer the Spike ER2 to Poland for its Mi-24 and Sokol helicopters. The new Spike ER2 can be launched from existing launchers, making for smooth integration.

    About 30,000 missiles from the Spike family have been exported to more than 30 countries, particularly in eastern Europe and South America. India is expected to ink a $500 million deal for 4,500 anti-tank Spike missiles, while Australia chose the fifth-generation Spike LR2 earlier this year.

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    Vojske EU i NATO Empty Re: Vojske EU i NATO

    Postaj by andree sub ruj 15, 2018 7:56 pm

    Rusi izgledaju sve smjesnije ... nase vjezba 1993 - 95 su izgledale ozbiljnije

    Dovoljno je pogledati ...

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    Postaj by F-84G_Thunderjet čet vel 07, 2019 9:41 pm

    O kao nije nam dobar strateški partner?

    Kako je Izrael "isključio" zračnu obranu Sirije

    Ove godine, od 20. siječnja do 21. siječnja, Izrael je pokrenuo noćni napad na iranske vojne ciljeve oko sirijskog Damaska. Iako je prošlo više od četrnaest dana, ovaj događaj još uvijek odzvanja u ruskim medijima. Odgovor je na pitanje kako Izrael može prodrijeti do Ruske novoizgrađene zone zračne obrane smještenoj pored Damaska, dakle blisko vladinom gradu, koji pretpostavlja maksimalnu sigurnost zračnog prostora?

    Međutim, raspravlja se i o ruskoj kvaliteti isporučenih protuzrakoplovnih kompleta u Siriji. I bez obzira na olakšavajući argument o nepotpunom podešavanju sustava Pancir-S1. Ruska stručna javnost prihvatila je objašnjenje za uništenje prvog seta prošle godine ,kada je služba navodno bila u momentu dopunjavanja streljiva, ili pak objašnjenje kako eto Pancir-S1 nije bio u borbenom položaju u to vrijeme.
    U potonjem slučaju, međutim, od siječnja ove godine situacija je znatno drugačija. Vojne novine objavile su video i komentar na situaciju . Isti je videozapis izbacio svijet i Rusija još uvijek raspravlja o tome.
    Drugo pitanje koje je u Rusiji preplavljeno je "borbena odsutnost" S-300. Dakle, ukratko se prisjetimo nekih osnovnih informacija koje se odnose na isporuku ruskog S-300 u Siriju.
    Kao general Sergei Shoju, ruski ministar obrane, Rusija opskrbljuje i gradi automatizirani sustav kontrole za komandno mjesto u Siriji. "To će osigurati centralizirano upravljanje svim sirijskim zračnim snagama i sredstvima protuzračne obrane, zračnog nadzora i operativnog zapovjedništva",rekao je Shogh. Sirijski ansambli kao što su Pancir-S1, Ax, Buk-M2E, 2K12 Kub, S-125 i posebno S-200 uključeni su u ovaj sustav. Naravno, S-300 će također doći s njima.
    . . . . nastavak slijedi . . . .

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